Saturday 21 March 2009

Tonight I Have No Doona*

This is because one of the cats, probably the smaller one, decided to go tinkles on my brother's bed and as I'm only home on the weekends he borrowed my doona whilst his is being exorcised/washed.
By the time I got home this weekend and heard this exciting story he had already achieved unconsciousness wrapped in my cosy blanket but I'm not fussed because it's not yet cold enough for me to need it and also this makes me laugh.

As the only person who leaves my room completely open at all times to kitty access and perusal I am richly rewarded by never being the focus of their occasional ire.
Anyone who, worried about the exact peril that befell my sibling, chooses to keep their room quarantined will be punished during the merest slip of vigilance with a urine-based demonstration of exactly what at least one of the cats thinks of this.
They don't do it very often but when they do they never do it to me.

My slow transformation into a crazy old cat lady continues smoothly and despite my lack of doona I will be quite warm tonight.
I've got the cats :-D

*Doona = eiderdown, duvet, counterpane, comforter

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